Software Developer & Designer

Welcome to Rob Fraser Dev, I am a software developer and designer based in the UK. I create websites and web applications for businesses and individuals. I also write about web development and design. I am passionate about creating beautiful, functional and accessible websites and web applications. I am currently available for freelance work. If you would like to work with me, please get in touch. I would love to hear from you.

Rob Fraser Dev

About Me

I have over 20 years of experience in the tech industry. I have worked with a variety of clients and companies to help them achieve their goals. I am dedicated to providing the highest quality of service and support to my clients.

UX Design
Using the latest design tools, I can help you create a user experience that is intuitive and easy to use. I have experience with a variety of design tools and techniques.
Web Development
Using the latest technologies, I can help you build a website that is fast, secure, and easy to use. I'm experienced with a variety of frameworks and languages.
I am passionate about education and have experience teaching a variety of subjects. I have a degree in Software Development and have worked in education for almost 20 years.

Work Experience

View my work experience.

Fullstack Developer

RobFraser Dev

Sept 2021 - Present

Liaison Manager

Scottish Qualifications Authority

April 2013 - Present

Quality Assurance Officer

Inverness College UHI

2006 - 2013

CoderDojo Champion


2013 - 2016

Software Development BSc

University of the Highlands and Islands

2006 - 2010

My Portfolio

View My Work

Here are a few examples of my work. Want to see more? View entire portfolio

Software Design & Developer

Bespoke solutions for your business

I create websites and web applications for businesses and individuals. I also write about web development and design. I am passionate about creating beautiful, functional and accessible websites and web applications. I am currently available for freelance work.

Customised Solutions
Every project is a unique journey. We tailor our app design to meet your specific business needs, ensuring your app stands out in a crowded marketplace.
User Centric Design
At the heart of our designs is the user experience. We create intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that delight users and keep them coming back for more.
Technical Expertise
Leveraging the latest technologies, we ensure your app is not only beautiful but also robust, secure, and scalable.
Collaboration Process
Your vision is our blueprint. Through a collaborative process, we keep you involved at every step, ensuring the final product exceeds your expectations.
Proven Methodologies
With a portfolio of successful projects, our designs speak for themselves. We’re committed to delivering excellence and driving growth for your business.
Reliable Support
Our team is dedicated to providing the highest quality of service and support to our clients. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

From the blog

Insights and Innovations: The Latest in Mobile App Design.

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Larch House
Daviot, Inverness, IV2 5XQ